Publications scientifiques
Inactivation of Plasmodium Falciparun in Whole Blood
file size:447.44 Komedium:[Online]
Progress Towards an Appropriate Pathogen Reduction Technology for Whole Blood in Africa
file size:470.45 Komedium:[Print]
Present and Future of Pathogen Reduction Bilbao
file size:1.4 Momedium:[Online]
Sickle Hemoglobin Confers Tolerance to Plasmodium Infection
file size:4.23 Momedium:[Online]
Red cell transfusion and alloimmunization in sickle cell disease
file size:3.53 Momedium:[Online]
RH genotype matching for transfusion support in sickle cell disease
file size:1.11 Momedium:[Online]
Red blood cell alloimmunization in sickle cell disease: pathophysiology, risk factors, and transfusion management
file size:268.05 Komedium:[Online]
How I safely transfuse patients with sickle-cell disease
file size:987.6 Komedium:[Online]
WHO Sickle-cell anaemia
file size:44.45 Komedium:[Online]
Directives médicales
Prescriptions, documentation et recommandations relatives au don de sang et au don de cellules souches du sang.
En savoir plus sur Directives médicalesInformations complémentaires
Informations sur les organisations spécialisées, les manifestations et autres.
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